President Trump Threatening to Pull Funding From States Who Refuse to Reopen Schools

President Trump says the White House plans to pressure governors to reopen schools in their states this fall during a roundtable discussion. On Tuesday, Trump said the move is necessary for both mental health and academic reasons and repeated claims that Democrats want to keep schools closed for political reasons rather than public health.


It’s very important for our country. It’s very important for the well-being of the student and the parents. So we’re going to be putting a lot of pressure on open schools in the fall.

Trump’s comments came after Secretary of Education Betsey Divorce criticized plans by some local districts to do in-person classes only a few days a week. During a call with governors last month, the CDC put out guidance for schools that included staggered schedules, distanced desks, physical barriers between bathroom sinks and increased disinfecting measures.

And the Trump administration has formally notified the United Nations that it’s withdrawing from the World Health Organization to move cuts off one of the WHO’S biggest sources of aid and comes amid months of criticism from the White House over how the organization has handled its response to the Corona virus pandemic, particularly when it comes to influence from China.


Public health officials and political opponents have heavily criticized the decision, including some Democrats who say it will cost the U.S. global influence. The withdrawal won’t take effect until next year, so it could be reversed under a new administration.Joe Biden has said if he were to win the presidency, he’d undo the decision on his first day in office.

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