Trump Cancels Davos Trip

WASHINGTON: As the government continues to remain shutdown and President Trump still unable to receive funding for his border wall, Trump announced that he would not travel to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Trump continues to fail at reaching an agreement with Congressional Democrats over funding for his wall along the U.S. -Mexico border, highlighting that there is no end in sight for the shutdown. The current shutdown has become the second longest in American history.

Trump made his announcement as he traveled to the border city of McAllen, Texas, to push for a border wall. President Trump originally said that his trip to Davos was still on, but he did say it was possible that he would forgo the trip if the partial shutdown continued.

“I intended to go and speak in front of the international community in Davos. That’s still on, but if the shutdown continues — it’s a little while from now — but if the shutdown continues, I won’t go,”

President Trump attended the economic forum last year, where he touted his “America First” policies and advocated for countries to invest in the U.S.

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